Dear all -- I think the following episode may gladden the hearts of proselytizing spiders, especially Devon:

On Wednesday evening, five of us TerraPins (local Baltimore chapter of CRLG) were demonstrating lacemaking at the Baltimore Museum of Art (by invitation). The Museum was crowded with visitors -- dads, moms, babes-in-arms, wonderful marvelous little 8-year-olds, and every other variety of human being imaginable as walking through a museum and stopping to watch lace being made.

The next night I got a phone call from an obviously eager young woman. "My name is LeAnne Boyd," she said. Could I please tell her whether "Hoe-niton" is a continuous lace. "No," said I, "it isn't." Tell me more...

LeAnne and a friend had watched us on Wednesday night, and had gone on Thursday to the library and gotten out a book on lacemaking. "Hoe-niton," said she, "A Practical Guide." And there it said to hang on 8 pairs. LeAnne was much troubled by this, because the book also said that "Hoe-niton" was not a continuous lace, and she was dismayed at the prospect of having to hang on 8 pairs, only to have to cut them right off again!

Needless to say, we had Lesson 1 right there on the telephone.

More lacemaking demonstrations is what we need!


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