Well, I am home again, - safe and sound - and managed to get all my goodies from the IOLI convention through customs without any hassels! When I declared the "Lacemakers bobbins" I bought,(square continental ones) the Customs Officer thought for a moment, then asked if they were "those spindle things". I said Yes - and he just waved me through! I was not going to get into a long conversation with him, and did not want to show them to him if I could avoid it. "Spindle things" seemed a good enough explanation!!!

I had such a marvellous time, and wish to say Thank You to everyone who made me feel so much 'Part of the Family'. Hugs and cheery greetings were the norm, and it was lovely to meet people I have chatted to over the past 2 or 3 years. And the Lace Exhibition!! - Wow! It makes me realize how deprived we are here in Oz! There are some great collections here, but no-one ever gets to see them. Some of the pieces on show at Denver were awesome. All the lace on show there was wonderful, but there were a couple of antique bits that really were outstanding.

Weronika - I believe we spoke to each other a couple of times, but I did not see your ID, so did not realize who you were. Sorry about that. I should have asked you your name, I suppose!! The polite part of me kicked in, for some unknown reason!!! :) I wish I had know who you were, but I hope you enjoyed the week, as I did. The vendours' room was overwhelming, and I did not buy all I would have liked - so there may be a couple of orders going out very soon!!!!! :)

I thought the Hotel was very nice, and the staff were courteous and helpful. I believe they mentioned to someone, that at least the lacemakers were a cleaner group than many they get!!!!!!!!!!! :))

The Organizers did a wonderful job, and I did not hear one word of complaint from anyone. My 2 classes were well behaved, and diligent, and it was an honour to have been invited to guide them along the Gros Point, and Reticella paths.

Thank you, IOLI and RMLG, for inviting me to a memorable week, which seem to fly past.
Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
- still jet-lagged from the 15hour non-stop flight from LA to Melbourne yesterday. Spending that long strapped into a small airline seat does Nothing for Anything!!! My rear-end does Not want to be sat on ever again!!!!! :))
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