Gentle Spiders,
Sorry for the previous e-mail, I hope this is easier to read. 
Let's not get stuck on a label for the contest, and look at all the  
possiblities! Whether the lace is used on a table, mantle or wall hanging... 
important thing is that the lace is an expression of joy in the art of  
All edges must be finished... it cannot be assumed folks will finish all  the 
edges - someone could just cut off some yardage; giving the same  
consideration to such a piece of lace would not be fair to the folks who did  
finish off 
the edges. 
Symmetrical - Only if the lace maker wants it to be. (That word is not  
anywhere in the contest rules.) I envision the needle lacers having fun with  
floral designs - can't you just see some of the lovely point de gaze motifs 
Irma Oswsterman's vest as a table ribbon? What if she were to embellish it with 
 beads or wire? Wow!!! (The thread could be as heavy as the time desired to  
complete the ribbon.) Floral point ground lace would be a wonderful contest 
idea  (pearl beads for the center of the flowers), oooooooh the ideas!! For 
folks who  don't like a lot of pairs, Milanese or Schneeburger would be fun. 
undulating  trail could make the ribbon vary in width from 3.5-5 inches. Add 
some glittering  threads - yum!) Of course for the torchon, tambour, filet and 
caricamacross  folks, the sky is the limit too!
For Binche, Flanders folks... have you seen Ulrike Lohr's latest book,  Dick 
durch Dunn? I thought the contest idea was original and yet  Ulrike's entire 
book fits the contest. I was shocked. Did Ulrike read my mind?  Consilience?
Making lace is a beautiful, creative endeavor. Why else are we engaged in  
this activity?
The contest rules should be thought of as an outline that serves to  
stimulate the creative energies of the lacemaker. 
There are no design preconceptions to this contest -  including  any existing 
piece of lace.
If anyone has any questions, please direct them to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) . I am on deadline for the  Bulletin and I do not 
get over to Arachne very often right now. 
I look forward to hearing from you!
Debra Jenny 
2006 I.O.L.I.Contest Chair 

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