On Sep 4, 2005, at 0:41, Bev Walker wrote:

willing to tick off "gift, under $15", on the custom's form? And then

No, tick gift, write handmade item, NCV - (no commercial value -
although I've been told this isn't such a great idea,

Can't even remember this one (NCV) being available *to* tick on our overseas mailig forms

the value is *only* for customs declaration, not for insurance or replacement value,

True :) The government will have its pound of flesh, and the private industry will refuse to reimburse for it - things march as per usual <g>

I don't see any problem except allowing for more time - as in weeks - for
the mail system, for those mailing contest entries from outside the
US...in theory. In practice, it might be more straightforward, as Clay
pointed out, for people to be able to bring their entries directly to
convention or send it to someone who could bring it for them - but then
that's just my free advice, I don't even belong to IOLI

I'll forgive you for being cavalier about it, then :)

Bringing entries with you *might* seem to make more sense... Certainly, it would make things safer for the entrants, regarding "lost in the mail" (extremely rare, actually) items. And it would be a heck-of-a-lot cheaper...


The entries need to be arranged on the display, before the Convention opens. Are you willing to pay an extra night at the hotel to arrive in time for that?

The entries need to be photographed and ready for publication in the IOLI Bulletin *before* the Convention, so that the person designated to photograph them can have a shot at enjoying the Convention experience, instead of paying out oodles of hotel/food money for the "priviledge" of trying to photograph all the entries (possibly in bad light), oncce they'd been arranged on the display tables.

Even as things are, Debra (and other Board Members/Officers) are already shelling out past reason; they're required to be there, but they don't get reimbursed for any expenses. How many of you would be willing to - or even could afford to - do this? I don't think asking them to show up 24-48 hrs ahead of time is reasonable, unless we're willing to finance that extension, and I can't see how that could be done fairly (divide the cost by the Convetion attendees? Divide the costs by all IOLI members? I can see "cons" in either case)...

Every time we complain about how things are done/not done, we should have an alternative option in the back of our mind to offer; an option that'll be acceptable not only to the person who offers it but also to as many others as possible. Like Devon said: "don't complain, unless you have an idea of how to *fix* the problem".

It woud be "nice" if all those people who are "oh- so- generous" about appreciating the organising committees via praise, and who criticise those of us who post "negative comments", would actually *do* something constructive; fine words butter no parsnips... :)

I bitched about certain aspects of the '05 (Denver) Convention ahead of time, but I also sent 10 (or was it 12? <g>) bookmarks, when they were needed. How many of the "sunshine marys" had done as much? And my bitching hasn't done a blind bit of good except to clarify a point or two here and there, but that's how the cookie crumbles. By beginning my bitch-campaign earlier this year, I think I actually *have* made things easier for everyone, including the organisers. Can the "sushine marys" claim as much?

Yeah, I know Alice Howell has me beat hollow in every way, but she's a nicer person than I am all around, and, thankfully, there aren't many like her to make me embarassed :)

Yours, in autumnal Virginia... it's "funny" how the light changes, every Sept 1, in a country to which the date means nothing at all, while in Poland, where Sept 1 is at the very heartbeat, it's been autumn for at least two weeks already... I asked my ISP (local guy, a Serb) about Sept 1 in "what used to be Yugoslavia" and he said: "first day of school, start of the war; sad day all around". I like to be reminded why I *like* my fellow Slavs :)
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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