On Jan 27, 2006, at 0:11, bevw wrote:

Already thought of for the consumer market - you can buy magnetic
sheets coated with paper that can be run through an inkjet.

_Not_ the same thing, _at all_, as the professionally-made magnets... The magnets made by Customworks are already coated with some goo that makes them impervious to outside interference. Inkjet ink smears easily, which means you have to "do something" before the magnetcan be used without secong and third thought... And that's assuming that the inkjet works well, which mine doesn't. The lines it produces are _nowhere near_ as clean-cut as those made by the laser-printer (which is not a copier)...

I've been reading the thread about lace related magnets and would
suggest you view our SA Branch Australia Lace Guild web page where we have,
among other things, some lace magnets.       The address is:

Bye for now,
Shirley T.  -  in very hot Adelaide, South Australia

I found magnets as a sale item (and cheap, too) but was unable to see what I was buying. And I could find no description of the product, either, or the shipping costs, especially for foreign buyers... The basic price of an item may be so low that one is tempted to go ahead sight-unseen and thought-unconsidered, but, given the current situation vis oil prices (and, consequently, the shipping costs) plus the rapacious bank charges on currency exchanges, it would be foolish to indulge...
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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