Greetings all,

I've been shopping for a Tonder book since I wish to
take a class in the subject.  Amazon has 'Technique of
Tonder Lace' for $451.00.  The seller claims that it's
the going price for the demand on this book.  (!!!!) 
I asked because I thought the price was a typing

One just sold on eBay for $72, and another book
company has one at $197.00 -- which is still a lot.

If anyone has this book, and wants to sell it, there's
a market for it.  If anyone knows a dealer who has
one, I'd like to know. I'd like one, but my pocket
snake protests at extreme prices.

Or ... if anyone has a recommendation of a similar
book, in English, I'd be interested in that, also.

Alice in Oregon -- with weather back to usual after a
cold spell

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