Hi Liz,

I have the good intention of trying tambour lace but didn't get to it yet. Anyway, I have seen the book by Foukoyama and I have the book written by Greet. I wasn't impressed by the Fukoyama book, there is very little you can use in it, on the other hand I love the book by Greet although I haven't done anything with it. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle the tulle in a frame . I don't feel like buying the whole big frames (Ken van Deeren has them) for one or two experiments I want to make. I have seen the lace been worked both in Ghent and Nottingham at the OIDFA congresses. Greet has started to introduce coloured threads into her work and it is beautiful. I have a few pictures of her lace which I have taken in Nottingham. I wish I would just get the courage and start trying this lace. In the meantime I do more Carrickmacross lace. It is a tulle and it does have a lot of similar fillings.

in Israel

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