Yes, a bit of everything can be found everywhere. 
Bolster pillows in UK or USA, flat pillows in Denmark,
and so forth.  I was speaking in very general terms in
my previous message.

Modern lacemakers are not restricted to one type of
lace, one type of pillow, one style of bobbins, only
one way to make lace.  We have a grand time trying out
different laces and etc, and often ending up with
quite a collection of lace tools and books.  Sometimes
the tools are as much fun as the lace itself.  But
that same variety of tools allows us to try many
different styles of lace.

Some people stay with one or two styles of lace and
are very happy.  Some people keep only one pillow, and
just **have** to finish each project before they can
start a new one.  Some people dabble in this and that,
and before they know it -- 6 or 8 or 10 different
projects are in progress, each with their style of
pillow and bobbins.

The main thing is......ENJOY your lace.  Use the tools
you have available, and just do it.  Celebrate the

Lacemaking is additive and infectious.  Find a friend
and make lace together.  Do it in public, and gain
another friend.  Sharing your fun only makes it
(Obviously, I'm very addicted.) <G>

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- where I have Finished my table
ribbon!!  How is yours coming?

--- Dorte Tennison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> a little correction, flat pillows is allso used on
> the continentel, not just 
> an english phenomenon, and we use the same
> terminology as ctct hole/double 
> stich, here in Denmark
> Dorte

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