Holly Van Sciver lists Egyptian cotton 50/3 on her web site
<http://vansciverbobbinlace.com/2Threads.html>. She ships internationally.

Just because a thread isn't listed in Brenda's book doesn't mean it doesn't
exist. It just means Brenda hasn't measured the thread. If you buy some,
send Brenda a yard or two of it, and it will promptly appear on her web
site in an addendum.

Barbara Joyce
Snoqualmie, WA

> I recently acquired a copy of 's-Gravenmoerse Kant by Tiny Bruins and
> Hanneke Troost.
> Throughout, they refer to using Egyptian cotton 50/3, but according to my
> copy of Thread for Lace, there is no such thread
> Do they mean Egyptian cotton 50/2?

> Noelene in Cooma
> http://members.ozemail.com.au/~nlafferty/

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