On May 15, 2006, at 14:20, Viv Dewar wrote:

b)      Hankie edging about 1 1/2 sides worth done. This is for the
groom's Mum at same wedding (What do Mums do at weddings?!!!)

Both sit in the first pew -- one each, on the two sides of the center aisle (but Dads get the aisle seats). They either smirk or weep, depending on what they think about the future of the marriage being performed. Both reactions need to be covered up with a tasteful hankie.

Orange with yellow gimp Buck's Point for my DH's Buddhism Book

Sounds intriguing, but... Wouldn't it "disappear" against a yellow robe? <g>

        A new design - draft and final for a friend's birthday. I'm
trying to decide whether to send it to "LACE" for publication

DEFINITELY! Years ago, I timidly asked the then Editor of the IOLI Bulletin whether she'd be interested in a piece of lace I had designed. If she were, I could supply either a picture for "Work of our Members", or the pattern -- her choice. She wrote me back: "you are trying to be funny, right? I'm _always_ in need of patterns". I think that's true of all our long-suffering and under-appreciated Editors.

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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