I was pleased to read (Sat, 08 Jul 2006) about the new revival of Shirley Gee's play "Ask for the Moon", and sorry I couldn't get to see it. I well remember the original London production at (I think) the Hampstead Theatre. Shirley Gee was a promising playwright of the 1970s/80s who died far too young.

The only other play I know featuring lacemakers as characters is "Le Baruffe Chiozzotte" by the 18th century Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni. ("Hullaballoo on Chioggia" would be a rough translation). It is set on the island of Chioggia in the Venetian Lagoon, where all the men are fishermen and all the women make lace. It's a comedy about feuding families, and escalates to a ludicrous battle royal in which the women use their lace pillows as weapons! I think they must have been the upright, cigar-shaped ones that are still used on Malta. The play is written in a strong local dialect - not even standard Venetian - so it is not often revived even in Italy and I don't think it has ever been translated into English.

Does anyone know any more instances of lace in drama?

Bridget, in Watford, England.
Just catching up with digests after a week away.

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