> The leaf isn't usually a full semi-circle, its a
> less. 

I disagree.

The *finished* fan isn't a semi-circle, but the
pattern IS.  I just checked two books to confirm this.
 The leaf starts out a full semi-circle. It is gluing
it to the sticks and pleating that uses up some of the
 length, as well as a bit of shrinkage when unpinning.

The sticks are pinned into the final shape which is a
wide 'V' that's about 5-degrees less on each side from
a semi-circle.  Mark equal sections across the top of
the lace (perhaps with a pin) where each stick will

Glue the back guard, then each stick in order, except
for the front guard.  Support each glued stick/lace in
position with pins.  The lace will ruffle up a bit
between the sticks since the lace starts out a bit
wider than the stick placement.

When the glue has dried (don't rush), unpin the fan
and turn it over.  Now you can glue the front guard.

When dry, decide if you want the fan spread out all
the time or pleated.  If pleated, gently fold the lace
between the sticks, one section at a time, then let
the fan set folded for a time so the lace can get used
to it.  It is the extra bit of length between sticks
that lets the lace curl around each stick for folding.
 When opened up again, this pleating remains and the
lace seems to fit perfectly.

If you plan to mount the fan, or frame it, you may
want to leave it unpleated.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- starting a wedding gift

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