I have been cleaning house, doing laundry and making sure that DH had a hot meal most evevnings -- all because *anything* was better than starting a new and untested project :)

But, about a week ago, I decided to bite the bulle and "had at it". Once I hung (hanged?) in all the necessary pairs and made it past the (wobbly) start, the pattern is moving along and looks almost as good as I thought it would. I'm pleased with the colour choice, even if it's a tad odd-ball.

So, with 4(out of 10) repeats done, I rewarded myself with a trip to the NCRLG's Fall Lace Day at Sweet Briar, where I spent more money than I consider decent on things I *wanted* (rather than *needed*). Very bad of me but, as I unpacked the goodies this afternoon, I wasn't repentant about a single one of them.

Other than that... Earlier in the month I spent some time proofing Cathleen Belleville's new Rosa Libre pattern (Spiral Rose). She'll be teaching the project in Ithaca next weekend and wanted to make sure that her instructions could be understood. She cofirmed the receipt of the notes and two samples -- one as per instructions and one where I disagreed with her and changed bits and pieces. She said she'd "tamarize" some of the stuff -- the bits where she felt I was right -- but, most of all, was happy to get my two poor orphans. She said she'd mislaid her own and, since she was about to leave the country for a couple of weeks (for work), she'd be unable to reproduce them, so mine came in handy.

And next weekend I'll be in Ithaca, taking a class from her. I had sent in my application the same day she sent me her instructios for proofing and, contrry to her advice, refused to try and change to another class. I'll try to see what (if anything <g>) I can do wih the Spiral Rose in wire (Saturday and Sunday) and, on Monday, I'll follow the course with the rest of the class in thread -- a Halloween bat which, Cathy assured us (potential students), is *not at all* of the blood-sucking variety :)

I'm told two colours would be best (plus beads for eyes). The photo of "Fleddie" (my name for him; she calls him "Fledermaus") shows light grey wings with black body and wing struts (and yellow eyes). Entirely too gentle :) I'm thinking black for body and red (or orange, if I'm in a Halloween rather than vampire mood) for body and struts. But I'm not certain... Any suggestions?

Nothing else going on lace-wise. Given the current political situation in my adopted country, it's a wonder I'm able to do anything at all, since I've been spending a lot of time in the toilet, vomiting all my worry and apprehension and disappointment. Not being able to sleep much isn't helping any, either...

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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