On Dec 3, 2006, at 13:15, Janice Blair wrote:

Once again a competition I probably stand no chance of
getting all the clues but it should be easy for Tamara who collects lace

As usual, I was relieved to hear that there would *be* an Advent Calendar again this year (many thanks, Jean and David; it's always great fun, even if I don't compete). Also as usual, I was late "getting to it", and it took Janice's mention of my name and stamps to get my ducks in a row and check it out :)

I doubt I'll compete -- my own collection isn't all that impressive, especially if only *strictly* lace-related stamps are in play (I collect all textile-related stamps on the one hand, but not much in the way of lace-on-costumes on the other hand). Plus... I hadn't added to it in 3 yrs or so, I do not check philatelic catalogues to check if anything new has appeared, etc, etc.

I only have a few stamps and am not too good at getting around the
Internet to check for clues.

Haven't been there in a while but in the days gone by, the Lacefairy used to have a great -- virtual -- collection of lace-related stamps (including costumes). Another great place for lace-stamp candy is:
(can't even remember whose page that is, but it's an Arachnean also)

There. I probably shouldn't have said anything; I probably should have let you (and others) dig for yourself... OTOH... I've been "an equal-opportunity spoil-sport" (sorry, Jean and David <g>). I'm not competitive any more than I am religious. But, just as I enjoy looking at the Lace Advent Calendar, so do I enjoy the idea that so many stamps in so many countries have celebrated my obsession :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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