On Jan 7, 2007, at 14:11, Barbara Joyce wrote:

David emailed a scan of the portion of his pricking that he is asking about.

Here's the URL:


I have finally managed to dig through enough tasks to take a peek at the pricking and recognized the arrangement of the dots immediately, because the book had been sitting at my kitchen table for a week now -- I'm thinking of using that filling in a pattern of my own, and have been slowly digesting it with my breakfast bagels :)

The book is "Parijse Kant", by Jan Geelen. So this filling may not be *the* filling meant for that particular pricking, since Tönder is a Point Ground lace. But it's, definitely, an option and would, probably, look quite nice with h.st petals (in the book, it's used as a centre of a flower also, but the petals are in cl.st).

These little do-dads *might* be the "little snowflakes" that Alice was talking about; can't be sure, since I don't have the book she found them in. Nor can I read the text in my book -- it's all Dutch to me :)

Anyway, I'll take Barbara at her word:

I'll be interested to hear what other ideas we can come up with for the
treatment of the center of the flower.

and presume on her generosity. I'll send her a scan (hurrah for Christmas gifts to self <g>) of the relevant bits and hope she can post them on the same page, next to the pricking, as one possible solution to David's problem, for everyone to see. I'll CC the scan to David directly, too.
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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