Send me her address and I'll subscribe her.

At the bottom of every message there are instructions for
subscribing/unsubscribing and an address to write to for help. I check the
arachne moderator account every Sunday. If someone has problems subscribing,
it's best to ask them to get in touch with me, rather than trying to help them
yourself. (The most common problem when subscribing is that people ignore the
confirmation instructions that they receive after sending the request.)

Arachne moderator

> I have been informed that Irma Osterman wishes to become part of the Arachne
> list.  I sent what little information I had about subscribing but she had no
> luck with that.  I sent these two address's:
> To subscribe/unsubscribe, requests should be sent to:
> >
> > If this doesn't work, then try;
> She said she had a Mac computer and was wondering if that had anything to do
> with it.
> Can someone send me the correct information on how to join the group,
> please.  Thank you in advance.
> Patsy A. Goodman
>  (change # to @)

To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line:
unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

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