Why thank you.  I try to keep up with the list every so often but you
know how e-mail goes, there's always too much to read.  

When I finally get the Gold lace off my pillow I'm going to do an edging
for a coif since I have a goal of a good Flemish outfit by Pennsic.  I
haven't decided which pattern to use yet (I also have Fascinating
Bobbin Lace to play with), but I'll try to post it when I do.  In the
meantime I have two more hankies posted here
http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=orlaith.  There are a
couple more that I've done but one I don't have pictures of and the
other one isn't online anywhere.  Yes, for those who are counting, this
means that I'm working on my fifth Queen's hankie.

I should probably explain the whole "Queen's Hankie" thing.  In Atlantia
(the Mid Atlantic region of the SCA for lack of a better description)
every Queen is given a handmade lace hankie, which means someone in the
lace guild is doing one about every six months.  The current one is
actually going to someone in another Kingdom who used to be in
Atlantia.  After it's finished I'm going to actually try to make some
lace for myself.

So, a question for you?  What is the Lace and Embroidery Resource


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