
I've just returned from viewing the wonderful lace exhibit,  "Fine & 
Fashionable. Lace from the Blackborne Collection", at the Bowes  
Museum in Barnard Castle in north England -- a fabulous collection 
that  is displayed in a very effective manner. I've seen a few 
exhibits, and I  honestly think that this is one of the most 
exciting, and definitely the  best displayed. Santina Levy was Guest 
Curator, and it shows. 

The  Blackborne collection contains fabulous examples of laces from 
the 16th-20th  century. On display as well are a few striking pieces 
of 20th century lace.  This collection was assembled by a pair of 
lace dealers over a fifty year  period, and is amazing in its depth 
and breadth. 

A couple of people  wondered on some of the lace email lists, when 
this exhibit opened, whether  it would be worth the time and trouble 
to visit. My 2 p. is definitely.  Although the collection has been 
permanently gifted to the museum, the  exhibit will be dismantled 
after the exhibit closes on 29 April, and the  lace will probably not 
be exhibited again for a long time, probably years.  Or so the 
museum people say.

So if you can possibly make it to this  locale, get your travel plans 
in order and come, don't delay! I even have a  nice offer from my 
lace pair here in Cleveland to help facilitate a visit on  the part 
of lacemakers who are lacking transportation (i.e., if you don't  
drive over here) Let me know privately if you would find this 
helpful,  and I'll try to put you in touch with her.

If you can't come, the museum  has a very nice color catalog of the 
exhibit on sale for 16.70 GBP. The  museum has a web site at 
_http://www.theboweshttp://www.htt_ (http://www.thebowesmuseum.org.uk/)   

If you do decide to come, and if you are interested in chatting with  
local lacemakers, there are demonstrations by various lace guilds on 
the  second Saturday of each month, along with displays of lace by 
their  members.

Best to you all from snowy, damp, beautiful  England!


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