Yes, the kit is low quality...very low quality, I might say. Still, there is a ray of light here that we should not miss.

I was in JoAnn's this weekend, and on the way out, I asked if they had a calendar of classes. The young lady at the checkout handed me a flier as well as a lovely color handout describing the classes being offered. I was very impressed! And sad at the same time. It wasn't that I had expected to see lacemaking offered. I had checked into teaching lacemaking at a craft store many years in the past because I had just moved into an area and needed a place to start teaching. They were interested until they realized that the supplies would need to be purchased elsewhere. Now today I find out we have a large craft chain offering a kit (even if it is "the" kit) and I think we should applaud the effort by the store ... and if you need a local venue to teach a class ... get to your local JoAnn's and volunteer!! They do provide a place to teach, the advertising to promote the class, a large prospective group for a class, and also now the supplies for one to get started. By the time the new students fall in love with us in our great passion of life (I have always said it is not a hobby of mine, but an obsession) then they will also know about the other lacemaking suppliers, etc.

If we are serious about getting lacemaking the attention it deserves, this should not be overlooked. And, yes, I have no connection to the store, supplier or whatever else might cause me to be positive about this. I just see an opportunity to possibly get some lace classes going in these venues that we had not had before.

Debbie in Florida
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