On 4/22/07, Sue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I keep details of pattern, start, finish dates and thread used.  Any
> from the pattern, that kind of information in a little notebook.

That is a good idea too, or databasing on one's computer.
though I tend not to use the latter, and *lose* the former :p
Yes, excellent,  the start date is a useful notation on the pricking! If I
keep it that long, the end date ;)
For awhile I was hanging on to the old (used) prickings - so what to do with
these odd pieces, I stuck them in various pouches, folders and a lidded
wooden box - have since decided, to reduce clutter, only to archive a few of
them, such as if I still have the piece of lace that went with.

> > I've got one other suggestion to add to that...
> >
> > Put the date you started the piece on the pricking as well, and when you
> > finish the piece, add that date.  I save my prickings in a notebook, and
> >
> >> Excellent point, Bev. And the information would also be important if
> >> ever you decide to exhibit your work or enter it into a contest, like a
> >> county fair.
> >>
> > From Bev:
> >> > noted. If you don't destroy the pricking after use, supposing the
> >> > pricking is lost and found, the next person knows where to find the
> >> > original, and you
> >> > have the information at hand if someone asks (while working on the
> >> > lace for instance!). By right, the source is important.
> >>

Bev in Sooke BC (on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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