I have been following the thread about starting Binche with very great interest! You see I am one of those that decides she wants to do something and jumps in boots and all! Then finds out it is not so easy as I thought, but I keep going with my stubborn Guernsey donkeyishness in full flood! Actually, that makes it sound pretty awful, but in reality as long as you can read the working diagram and do cloth and whole stitches, you will be able to work it out. I have found having an enlarged copy of the working diagram alongside me and sticking a pin in the diagram when I put one in the the lace works for me. I also mark the diagram with a different pin when I finish for the day or I can have difficulty finding my place again.

My advice is go for it - it is a challenge, but as we get older our brains need this and I do enjoy this more than doing Sudoku!!!

Sue Fink
In Masterton New Zealand,
where it is bitterly cold this week and the fire is burning nicely and so lovely to sit by and make lace, with my new cat at my side
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