Hi Lacer,
I have to jump in here...which you don't find me doing, but just can't resist having a good laugh all over again. I know this is about a tatting shuttle and not a bobbin, but sorta on subject. Several years ago, I found myself dropping my tatting shuttle (silver) down the wood floor of Fort Calhoun ,on the outside of a re-enact cabin. As I pulled on the thread I kept saying to myself, did I or didn't I tie a knot....With a fully wound bobbin and having a pile of thread next to the hole and completely unaware of anything going on around me! Just intense on retreaving my shuttle...I get to the end of the thread and yes I had tied the thread, Yep Pee ! Problem was the shuttle kept swinging crosswise to the crack! Frustrated, I suddenly realized I had a large audience watching me! I also noticed a little boy chewing gum...you guessed it.. I talked him out of his gum for a lolli pop! I put the gum on the end of a pencil and... Wall'La onto the shuttle it stuck and I brought it up and out ! The crowd clapped and I cheered to think there is still sticky gum out there! Another time I was at a lake, sitting out in the middle of the water in a gazebo, I dropped it through the slats, again did I or didn't I tie the thread...I had this time a Golden Lab that came from who knows where, he had his eye and head right down there with mine! Watching every move I made. As the thread would bring the shuttle up out of the water, only to fall back down as it would unwind, and this time I had not tied the shuttle! But because it was a light plastic..:) Iwas able to run and follow that shuttle as it floated to shore! Only to find myself having to fight with the dog, :} who decided it was his! I did get it back..I'm very hard headed. :0) I won! Morral to this story...I always take the time now! Even with my bobbins..

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