Hi!  I'm wondering if any of you know where I can buy divider pins with 
colorful glass characters on the top of them?  I used to have a pincushion full 
of these beautiful divider pins that I collected over the years.  We moved last 
fall.  A few weeks later, I unpacked a few of my lacemaking things but not 
everything.  The pins were in their pincushion (a very beautiful & special 
one-of-a-kind pincushion) wrapped in brown packing paper along with everything 
else.  I remember unwrapping them & then wrapping them again & setting them 
aside.  I also remember unwrapping several items I needed at that time & then 
taking all the paper & stuffing it into a garbage bag & repacking the items I 
didn't need right then back into the boxes.  
  A couple of months ago I decided to unpack the rest of my lace items, but the 
pincushion was nowhere to be found.  I was, & still am, sick to my stomach when 
thinking about it because apparently I scooped up the wrapped pins & pincushion 
in with the other wrappings that one fateful day & threw it away      
  I am now trying my best to replace some of those pins although I know some 
are irreplaceable.  Holly Van Sciver no longer carries them.  I have tried to 
contact Snowgoose several times without any response (is everything okay 
there?).  They are the only two suppliers I knew of who offered these divider 
pins.  Is anyone else offering them now?    

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