The US Post Office had cancelled M-bags some time ago, when they decided to do away with surface mail. This was a blow to all those who are trying to send books, especially overseas. It caused great consternation especially among charitable groups trying to send things to third-world countries among others, and for people like me who wanted to send books to friends abroad it made it impossibly expensive even to consider doing so.

However, I have just gone on line (and then checked with my local post office to be sure) and found that they have reinstated the M-bags. The cost has gone up, of course (no surprise there), but it still is a great way to send things without paying what UPS or DHL charge. Sadly, this applies only to US shippers; my understanding is that there is no such option for people outside the US.

What is an M-bag? It is a large plastic bag in which you can send some 40 pounds of stuff or more, either in one box or several, and which takes a long time to arrive at its destination. But it does get there, probably by donkey-back or some other form of very slow travel. You can find out about this by going to Google and putting in "M-bags". Or, because I find these instructions very confusing, you can go to your post office and ask the nice man behind the counter to help you. If he doesn't know what you are talking about, ask to speak to his boss. In our post office it was indeed the slightly higher-up man who knew all about it.

I hope this helps.

Tess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in Maine, USA, where winter is knocking on our door.

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