I also received my card this week, a rather cute angel which is now hanging on my little tree. It never ceases to amaze me how different lace will be when exchanged around the world. Many thanks from Barbara Saltern my swap partner and for the ladies who organised it again this year.

Also I am thoroughly enjoying the Lace Guild advent callender each day and scratching my head over Brenda's one. That will need some time on a day when too many people keep grabbing my attention away from the lace and the fun time <g> .

I think I have just one more card to write out and I can concentrate on other things. I just wrote a list last night of the things I want and have promised myself that I will make over the coming months, because nothing is actually ready to go onto my pillow I spent some time checking the sort of time it might take me to make individual pieces to see what time I had to make little things just because I have the pattern and want to play, but was stunned to see that the rest will probably take me about 4 months between them, so looks like I better get on and organise my threads and my pillows.
Sue T Dorset UK

Jeanette Fischer sent me a lovely card with a lace poinsettia on the front.
It will last longer than the poor plant I have purchased which my husband
says I will kill in very short order as I have black thumbs! I managed to
kill a mother-in-laws tongue - took a few years of neglect but I managed it!
The card will sit in pride of place amongst the hand made cards on my
Thank you Jeanette.


Baldock, North Herts, UK

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