An ANZAC Day Greeting to all ex-pat. Aussie and New Zealand Lacemakers on this

Despite a slight fog, there were an estimated 40,000 people at the Dawn
Service at the Shrine of Rememberance in Melbourne today.  It is now a
glorious autumn day, with the sun shining for the traditional Diggers March.
As the ranks are thinning so drastically, each year, the children and
grandchildren of the servicemen and women are allowed to march, now, in their

I have 5 of the beautiful embroidery-on-gauze cards that my Grandfather sent
to my Mother and Aunt from France during WWI.
They are priceless to me.  They were for birthdays and Christmas.   He was in
the Ypres campaign, and I have his campaign badge.  ( He was in the British
army, of course, - I am originally English!!.)

"Lest We Forget."

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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