Dear All

I can't believe it's nearly 5 weeks since I asked for your advice
regarding threads for my Beds project.  I've been wanting to thank you
all for your advice which was very helpful.  I got the thread I needed
very quickly by ordering on line (thank you Roseground).  Then I started
winding bobbins, and then I turned the blocks in my block pillow.  And
last Sunday I actually started making lace!  I've done about 1 sq
centimetre and it's already looking better than when I was using too
thick a thread. This week every evening has been busy and the weekend is
looking busy too, but I might be able to snatch an hour or too one

As regards falling numbers at lace days, I think that much of it is to
do with people working longer hours.  I find that now I work full time I
really have to organise myself beforehand if I'm to go to one because
there's always so much to do at home at weekends and quite often it's
impossible for me to go.  When I was on the committee of Essex
Lacemakers we were asked whether we would arrange a lace day for a
Sunday rather than a Saturday and we decided not to.  I don't know what
other lace groups do, would a Sunday be a viable proposition in the UK?
What about in other parts of the world?

Just my two pennies worth.

Alison in Essex UK where the sun is shining

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