I think you should wash the wool before re-using it. Wool that has
been used loses some of its elasticity. Washing it will bring it
closer to its natural, springy state. Otherwise you may end up with
some weird tension after you've washed the whole piece.


On 7/13/08, Wendy Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Spiders
> I have finished the lace for the hood and about to start a piece to go around
> the cloak. I still have a lot of thread left on some of the bobbins. Can I mix
> new thread with thread already on the bobbins or should I use new all the way
> through as it is going to be quite a length.  I am asking because if you use
> wool that you have undone from a garment with new wool it has a different
> tension which is why sometimes it is best to wash used wool first. I am asking
> because I have wound a couple of bobbins with the old thread and notice it is
> very kinked. I hope you understand what I am trying to say I have just re read
> it and I think I have put it right.
> Hugs
> Wendy St Dogmales

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