Heavens... that takes me back! I used to have to do that for my Gran... grandad eventually made a gizmo for her (not sure what a swift is, but it's probably similar) 4 arms with 'hands' on the end on a revolving spindle. I used to love winding wool with that! See how fast you could make it spin! My cousins & I had challenges running to see who could wind the fastest... I won (I was the biggest but dont tell them that!) Can't remember what the times were now...

Anyway, chat soon

Sue in EY
On 15 Jul 2008, at 07:58, Brenda Paternoster wrote:

Hi Debora

Borrow a pair of hands to hold the skeins whilst you wind. The person holding the skein just needs to allow the yarn to come off one side at a time. My husband learned that skill as a child, and he's not from a crafting family, it's not too difficult.

Winding the ball by hand doesn't really take much longer than winding with a mechanical winder, it's dealing with the skein that's more difficult without a swift or human helper.


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