An article in today's New York Times discusses a recently found portrait thought to be William Shakespeare. He is wearing a lace collar. The portrait is thought to date from 1610 (confirmed by x-ray of the wood panel) which was six years before Shakespeare died in 1616. One argument presented for the position that it is not Shakespeare is that the lace is too aristocratic and nice, although an accompanying video has a scholar type claiming that Shakespeare was quite successful by the end of his life and would have been able to afford sartorial finery. Any thoughts? _http://www.ny ( Devon **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (

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Discussions on BBC24 this morning, were suggesting that it is Shakespeare, 
Reason that at the time the painting was commissioned he was wealthy enough to 
afford it.  Should be able to raise this on the net.
Sheila in Sawbridgeworth where it's been showery.

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