Still searching for real "six penny" bobbins ... no wonder nearly nobody does exquisite bobbin lace any more. If a project needs 300-400 bobbins and a simple continental one costs 3 GBP nobody can or wants to afford making intricate lace. It would cost a small fortune. Since there are modern turning lathes that make copies of a piece all by themselves I really don't understand those fancy prices.

Sorry to let some steam off here, but it's something that irks me for quite a while now. At least has better prices for 100+ bobbins, so I'm set now for the book "Schwarzarbeit" - if only I had the courage to start one of those beautiful patterns (kudos to David with his wonderful monster-mat!).

Best, Achim.

Am 24.05.2009 um 09:12 schrieb Agnes Boddington:

Well, there is our website.
My husband handturns lace bobbins (amongst other things).
Agnes Boddington

Jenny Brandis wrote:
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