I have an old copy bought in a second hand bookshop in Dublin. The spine is fragile and the edges of the pages are discolored.

The title page includes
English edition
All rights reserved
There is no number on the title page or its verso which reads

To be had
of Th de Dillmont, Dornach, Alsace
and at all booksellers, and embroidery shops

Price, English found with gilt edges
English edition  Sh  3 -
French editiion  Fr. 3.75
German editiion  Mk  3-

The cover is green with a spray of leaves across the top and spine
it measures 15.5 x 23.7 cm

It has designs not in any later edition and I suspect it is one of the earlier versions.

I was able to check another apparently identical copy in a library and it has no numbers either.

The table of contents is right at the end of the book just before the last page with text which is 574. Just before this is a 4 page list of DMC products which includes Cordonnet 6 fils up to 200 guage.

I saw a copy which was very similar if not identical in the Lace Centre at Kenmare in Ireland. It included an inscription by the nuns with a date, probably in the late 1880s.

I would be good to have some dating.

Barbara Ballantyne
in Sydney Australia

----- Original Message ----- From: "Elizabeth Pass" <elizabeth.p...@tesco.net>
To: "'Arachne'" <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:34 AM
Subject: [lace] Dating Therese de Dilmont

My thanks to the many listers who replied to me both on and off list.  I
will be a few days updating my data base.

There seem to be a lot of modern reprints. I have one which is so poor that
the pictures have reproduced very badly.  BUT I have a very early copy and
hand-written on title page is "Holmes, Windermere, 1895." I have used this
to compare pictures with the reprint.

I actually have five copies in all - two pocket ones, one larger English,
one larger French and the modern reprint.

What a wonderful book! I have referred to it for all sorts of things - even
the dreaded Roseground ( well it was when I first started lace.)  In fact,
for about two years, every time I needed to do Roseground, out would come
the little book. If you know the book, you will realise how difficult it is
to follow in places - the "pricking" on one page, picture on another and
word for word instructions elsewhere. I used to get my daughter to read out
a line, then work  the lace, then Anne would read another line and so on.

Now it's time to get to the lace pillow.

Once again,
Many thanks
And if anyone else wants to send any details please do.

Liz Pass
In Poole, 8.30pm  where the sun is still shining and the weather is the
hottest it's been for a more than a year.

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