whatever you decide
book now
there is not a lot of accomodation anyway
and it is of poor quality for danish prices
that means much to high priced for what it is
and do not forget the devide the numbers of stars by 2

if you have a car
do as most of the non-scandinavians do
go to look for a hotel on the german side
it is moslty 15 min driving
half the price
a breakfast not made up out of dry cowshuw
more comfortable beds
and stable beds
in a lot of hotels in denmark you have those funny beds
they are not put on 4 bed "legs" but have a kind of circular support
and it can easyly give you the idea you are on a boat, constantly moving around in the bed i do not considfer it funny to need to take "touristil" the shipsikness pils for sleeping on land..... a shower wich is realy a shower and not a metal dripping thinghy or even an bath
you will senden find a bath in danish hotels
don't ask me why
it must be a danish thingh.....

and  be aware of holiday houses
that is also very very funny
most are in a roofconstruction    contraption whould be a better word for it
so if you have chinese proportions, head is ok
if not take a helmet whit you
several years ago we were in one near slagelse
and we are both tall
you don't want to know...
but i beleve that you do not want fysio therapy after a holidy break.........

it is very very bad wheather here
this may explain this email
but still i find it very close to to the real DANISH hotel/hostel/holidayhouse experience

it is nice
it is some thingh completly differend then all the other lace events
you need to go to absorb the atmosphere of the scandinavian lace world
you need to attend the evening fest and meal it is funny
they always have a nice exibition which is worth to see


kar...@bold.net.au schreef:

Firstly, sorry if I have posted this to the incorrect list.  I am a
Lacemaker in Australia.  I am hoping to come over to Tonder for the Lace
Festival next June. Could someone please let me know of any suitable
accomodation closeby the festival.



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