At 03:11 AM 31/01/2010, Susan Reishus wrote:
"is this a natural fibre or not?"  David

Dear Susan,

many thanks for such a detailed explanation.

Now I have one more question related to rayon. Over the years I have used as gimpd, and still do, rayon threads from around the 1930s labelled "Wood Pulp Fibre". Surely they would have to be more "natural than todays products. They certainly seem to be in perfect condition and I've never had any trouble or weaknesses when I use them.

Apart from all that, much as I love the look, I really hate rayon men's shirts. You've only got to look at them and they need ironing!! And as for wearing them in the tropics where many are sold, well, again, one look and they're dripping with sweat.

David in Ballarat

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