My pins are used all the time and bend and get replaced before they become unusable through tarnishing. I have been using these kind since 2001 and when they became hard to get at one time I bought some silver type I have two pots of those and have never bothered to use them!!! no I dont know why either, except that I felt they might get confused with my dress making pins. Personally I dont do many really bit pieces, the strip work and smaller pieces I keep pins in for about 1 to 3 inches depending on the width of the piece making sure it is secure but not overdone so I am not forever buying pins.
Sue T

Hi all, I would like your views. Though I am a supplier this is not
promoting any thing I sell but I think Lace makers need to express an opinion on.
The people who make many of the pins in the world have been looking for a
long time at the problem of brass pins tarnishing. they tell me they are
specially treated but that they know in, their words, 6 months 2 years 5 years
they will not be the same. So they are proposing the make a gold plated
pin which they claim will stay bright and untarnished for years and years. They say but are not fixed on it yet, the price would be similar to say our Torchon pin but you would get say 250 as opposed to 400. I have told them I
don't think  British lace makers would pay the differance. But then I
thought of the ladies who have to replace their pins so now I don't know. They are a good kind family companya and I don't want them to waste money on some
thing that won't sell.  What do you think? Vivienne

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