> Well, I wasn't going to say anything, as I have not been able to spend any 
> amount of time studying, but one of my lace knitting groups had been 
> discussing this shawl a week or so ago, and had come to the conclusion that 
> the center is actually not knitted.  The edging is knitted according to them 
> though it certainly doesn't look like a traditional Shetland pattern, but 
> attached separately, which would be when it was gathered.  I would love to 
> see more detailed pictures, so we can actually see the stitches.  But like I 
> said, I have not had time to actually take a good look at this gorgeous 
> shawl.  I have two toddlers who are of the opinion that mommy's crafts are 
> infinitely less important then they are (of course they are right) and 
> therefore they should occupy all my time.  :D  (Of course they are wrong.  
> lol).  But they do take up most of my time.  And while I try to keep up with 
> the "grown up craft conversations" through e-mail, I often don't have time to 
> follow the wonder
 ful links that are being forwarded, and miss a lot of those.  However, I 
thought I would weigh in with what I have heard from other people on this 
subjects.  I hope the person pursuing the more detailed pictures will be 
> Cindy from Dallas, TX
> RavelryID: cinhad
> Blog: http://knittingyards.wordpress.com/ (updated 4/11/2010)
> On Apr 21, 2010, at 10:35 PM, Avital wrote:
>> OK, I'm going to be the voice of dissent.
>> (Direct link to photo:
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26680...@n04/4436888999/in/photostream/)
>> Shetland shawls tend to be rather conservative in design, using
>> certain stitches and patterns over and over. There's no stitch that
>> looks like the center part. The edging *could* resemble knitting if
>> you really use your imagination.
>> The edging looks like it's been sewn on and the corners are gathered.
>> I've never seen a Shetland shawl with gathered corners. Knitting is so
>> easy to shape and usually the corners are mitered. The outer edge is
>> too heavy and thick to be a bound-off knitted edge.
>> My vote is that this is machine-made lace. Sure, you can pass them on
>> to Ravelry. I also belong to Ravelry but I don't have time to join
>> this thread.

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