Thank you for all your thoughts and ideas about dating spangling. I will try and put it all together sometime and see if it will fit into my hypothesis (I think it will)

Another question I would like to ask you is
"When did the double head (Thistle head) get adopted by the East Midland lace makers?"

No, I have not written an article about this as my twisted mind has only raised this within me since a bobbin friend sent me more that few pictures of bobbins that look clearly English (East Midland I should say) but had single heads.

To all intents and purposes, only the Northern France (Bayeux and Normandy) bobbins have double heads and only East Midland bobbins in the UK developed the thistle head.

PS I am using thistle head and double head interchangeably. Formally I use double head ( al la Springett) but I rather like thistle head personally)

From Brian and Jean
Cooranbong. Australia
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