Laurie and all,

Regarding the Australian Torchon Lace Machine:

 I have one of the US made/sold Torchon Lace Company pillows/machines,
unfortunately minus the bobbins they were cut off leaving the pattern and lace
pinned to the roller.  It also includes the original booklet.
The bobbins shown on the Australian pillow are not at all like those pictured
in my booklet.  The bobbins pictured are more like the 'Danish Beginner'
bobbins we see today.  Is there any documentation as to the 'straight shaft'
bobbins shown here?  I can see that these straight bobbins would be
easier/cheaper to make, but it leaves me wondering.


> Just now LaceNews broke its previous record of 248 views in one day - and
> the day isn't over yet!
> I've had a lot of fun over the past 4 months with the project, and I would
> like to thank everyone for helping to make this such a success! I hope to
> keep it going for a very long time.
> Thanks again, and best wishes for a Happy New Year (it's snowing hard here
> in New Mexico).
> Laurie

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