Of course I have done some restoration in the past, in fact the only bobbins I
used to buy were those I could restore.  I will get down and write the
proposed article but few comments before I write it.  This is only brief

1. Any restoration must be able to be undone.

I agree in principal.  That is why I steer as clear of changing patina as far
as humanly possible.

Here is a conundrum I wrestle with.......One of the easiest things is to "file
down" protruding degraded pewter spots.  But it looks terrible!  Shiny spots
on a deeply patinated surface.  I have not tried to learn how to "dull them
down". Of course time will do the job.

So I change the patina of the bobbin to make it "like new" and it all fits
together.  But whilst I have "restored" the bobbin, I do not like what I have

In 150 years time I suppose I will like it again!

May I say I have never restored anyone's bobbins commercially, only for my own
learning... I also doubt I will ever undertake commercial restoration

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