Hello all

Your help would be much appreciated:  I have only made 
Torchon lace and decided to have a go at Bedfordshire.
My first problem 
is that all my right hand picots split, the left ones are great what is 
causing this please?

Secondly my leaves are turning out like "holly" 
leaves, is it just practice that will turn then into something 
wonderful, perhaps I should go back to my Torchon???

Kind regards

In sunny windy Suffolk.


Dear Paula, 
Please stick to it! The different new techniques will soon be part of your 
skill set to be used on other laces you learn as you go along.
The technical view of picots is that the pair gets twisted a lot and then the 
pair is divided over itself to lock the twists in the picot.  If you twist and 
the picot splits, the pair did not get split and the twists evaporated.  So the 
right hand picots are simply not being made in the mirror image of the left 
hand picots.  

I learned pointed leaf tallies from Christine Springett.  She gave us a 
beautiful way of thinking about constructing.  Start with a triangle that grows 
from the point, then make a square (with the purpose being to build a straight 
section in the middle of the leaf) then end with a triangle that tapers to a 
point.  Something akin to this:  <[]>.  Without the straight section in middle 
you get a diamond.  Without a plan to get a straight section, you get a holly 
leaf.  Simply keep the tension on the outside threads the whole way through the 
leaf.  Altering the tension of the outside threads won't be what allows you 
shape the leaf. When you tension the weaver, the  weaver does not become locked 
until you weave to the other side and change directions.  So watch the shape of 
the last edge before the edge that you are currently turning.

I hope there is something helpful here.


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