AHHHH....I call that a surgical knot.  Because a retired surgeon taught it
to me and he was interested in my tatting knot.  Sometimes surgical knots
can be double reef knots for both halves.

Thanks for the explanation.  Have a good sleep!

Mark, aka Tatman - no frost in sight here!  Just trying to deal with the
heat. ;)

On 6/3/11 11:50 AM, "David C COLLYER" <dccoll...@ncable.net.au> wrote:
> Whilst a Bowline or Sheet Bend will always work well to secure 2
> threads, they are often impossible to do in a confined space. So, for
> tying off 2 bobbins I most often use the plain old Reef Knot but put
> an extra turn in the first part.
> So for me the saying from the Boy Scouts or Boys' Brigade goes:-
> Right over left and under AND UNDER again
> Left over right and under.
> Then to make absolutely certain, I usually add a further:-
> Right over left and under.
> David in Ballarat - off to bed now at 0250hrs. At least there's no
> frost tonight.

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