Been there...done that.  In a complicated lace piece, when I come up with an 
extra pair of bobbins, I don't want to spend a lot of time undoing things.  A 
few stitches...OK, but not lots.  I just throw back the most expendable two 
threads and just keep going.  Sooner or later, I'll come to a place where I am 
short a pair.  Depending on the situation, I either hang in a new pair to make 
up the shortage, or take the two thrown-back threads and just lay them into 
place, then keep working.  Trim off the extra thread loops afterwards.  The 
thrown-out threads may or may not be tied.  It depends on the lace and how 
tightly they were woven in before throwing out.

Alice in Oregon..where we expect 80+ degrees the for next two days, then cool 

----- Original Message -----
From: "David C COLLYER" <>

This piece is very fine and sometimes the dots are virtually on top 
of each other. I was in the middle of a large open area of plain 
point ground when suddenly I realized I had an extra pair of bobbins. 
So what do I do??? They HAVE to go!

Just interested to know if any of you have a better way to solve this 
problem. Of course it does always leave you wondering if you are 
short a pair somewhere else - sometimes yes, and sometimes no.

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