Question is Jacquie am I a tame one or a picky one that's what I want to know 


Claire Allen
Crafty stuff I want to show off.

On 24 Jun 2011, at 10:11, Jacquie Tinch wrote:

> Another aspect of speed which hasn't been mentioned is the difficulties which 
> teachers experience trying to design a piece of lace for a class. We often 
> work a sample several times (and inflict it on our 'tame' students) trying to 
> get some idea how long it might take 'average' lacemaker to do the piece. It 
> is one of the most difficult design tasks trying to estimate how many of the 
> necessary techniques will they have time to do in the day, the weekend or 
> worst of all, the 3 hours of a Lace Guild Convention workshop, and thus 
> decide how complex a piece can be.   
> But my heart sinks when I have one of the Lacemakers described by Helen(?) 
> who tension and tweak every thread at every stitch as I know I will go home 
> frustrated at how little they were able to achieve even if they don't  They 
> may be quite content in their work, so I have to respect that, but surely 
> they'd get even more pleasure (as well as value for money!) if they could 
> work just a tiddy bit faster. 
> Jacquie in Lincolshire

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