Of course the thing that make Arachne what it is, is the  people. The 
people would be the same, hopefully, no matter what the software. We  used to 
have software that wouldn't accept html. Fortunately Avital was able to  
upgrade the software, or debug it, or whatever she did that made it possible to 
go on with more modernized software. 
I have to agree with Lorelei that I love the Ning software. If  you go to 
_http://needlelacetalk.ning.com/_ (http://needlelacetalk.ning.com/)  you  can 
see it in action. 
It is not Facebook, so there is no reason to be afraid that  Facebook 
problems will arise.
The advantage of using Ning is that you can insert photos very  easily into 
the text, so that you can be having a discussion in which you insert  a 
diagram, or a photo. You can insert a series of photos showing all the steps  
in a process. Beginners are able to post pictures of their work, and receive  
feed back, or else pose questions that can then be answered with  visual 
responses, pictures or diagrams, as well as text.
I particularly like to scan a small area of lace at high  resolution and 
then start arguments about what is happening in the lace  :-)  When people 
disagree with me, I can consider their argument, scan more  areas, mark them up 
with arrows to indicate the tricky part, draw diagrams, etc.  They can 
produce diagrams to support their point of view, and in the end we all  know a 
lot more than we did before. I find it to be quite exciting. 
The Arachne software is lacking this visual component.  Although it is 
possible to announce that you have just posted a photo on the  webshots site, 
and for people to go to that photo, it is not as fluid as  inserting the 
photos directly into the text. 
Here are some examples of using visuals in the  text.
Here are links to some pages of discussion from the  BEGINNERS group last 
Here is a discussion under an ALENCON photograph  with several detailed 
photos, but no diagrams.

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arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

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