I also have used the stitch holders, but have recently found these craft things (still cant remember what they are called:-) are kinder on my spangles and also I can take a pair from either end where the stitch holders had to be emptied from one direction only.
Sue T

Hi Sue and Arachnids,

Usually I use stitch holders -preferably the straight ones with a spring- through the spangles to keep my bobbins in groups and in order if I am using Midland type bobbins. I use crocheted lengths for continental bobbins. A row of chain followed by a row of doubles (trebles in the States) made fairly loosely so as to have some give. You can then pop the thicker tail-end through to hold them in place. Both ways the groups can then be pinned to the pillow.

Joepie, East Sussex, UK where it is a brilliant day today sunny but cold; unbelievable after the horrid weather yesterday.

From: Sue
..........> I am using the childrens (curly pipecleaner type
things) to hold the bobbins in groups and out of the way.
Sue T, thank you for all help.

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