Susan wrote:

<Cheer detergent will avoid most bleeding, and if there is some, you can use
Whink Stain Remover.>

Presumably these are products available in the US. Got no idea what they are apart from a detergent, of which there are many, and a stain remover, again there are many types.

We all know that various things have different names in different countries - muslin and calico being one example - and certainly commercial names will be different too. Some products won't be available in every country, so it would be helpful if, when recommending a product, a description of what it actually is eg is Whink Stain Remover a liquid or a stick, for soaking or spot application, safe on all fibres, etc would be more helpful to people in other countries than just a product name, which means nothing outside your own country.

What is particular about Cheer that it will avoid bleeding?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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