Hi Sandi

Your new website is wonderful and your beautiful designs are just gorgeous. I vividly remember seeing for the very first time, your wonderful shell exhibited at the John Bull exhibition when Susan and Roger Cox were still running The English Lace School in Devon. We had never seen anything like it before and we were spellbound by your exquisite use of colour!

Like yourself, I'm a bit 'long in thee tooth' for all this modern technology and sometimes have to rely on the younger generation to get me out of trouble, but they all lead such busy lives! Well it seems that 'the way to a man's heart (IT skills) is definitely through his stomach'!

Happy lacemaking


----- Original Message ----- From: "Sandi Woods" <tosandiwo...@gmail.com>
To: <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 5:50 PM
Subject: [lace] New website! Oops - forgot to send address! www.sandiwoods.com

At last! I have a website!!! A long time coming, I may be hearing...???
Hopefully, you will think it has been worth the wait.
I discovered that feeding my son-in-law was the vital key to success,
though there are others, without whose help, all sanity would have been
I am aware that there may be a few teething problems and an odd hiccup
picked up by PC users,
but if you could view this a 'work in progress' preview to the main event,
grateful thanks would head your way.
Please do contact me  - your feedback will be appreciated.


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