Hi Sandi,

Wonderful website. Spend a while enjoying the lace pictures of your magical lace. However, I have not come across any mention of the delightful booklets of patterns/info you and your fellow culprits (Angela Brown, Jean Mary Eke and Joke Sinclair) produced. Are you going to include them? I am sure they would be welcomed by perusers of your website.

Happy lace making,


-----Original Message----- From: Sandi Woods

At last! I have a website!!! A long time coming, I may be hearing...???<.......

....> I am aware that there may be a few teething problems and an odd hiccup
picked up by PC users, but if you could view this a 'work in progress' preview to the
main event, grateful thanks would head your way.
Please do contact me  - your feedback will be appreciated.


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