How very interesting David.  There are rectangular bobbins available -- I
use them since I can't seem to get my thread to stay wound.  But they are
the larger size

Magnetic paint is available to use, but it may blacken the thread.   Then,
you would have to use a lot of energy to pick up the bobbins, and more
energy for your fingers to pick up the small diameter.

I'm assuming that you're trying to get away from any type of storage of the
bobbins.  If the bobbins had just enough magnetic paint to hold to a
magnetic tape, then a storage device could be used scoop up the bobbins (in
their working order) to store them easily.  My thought was a bobbin with a
smaller diameter magnetic piece on the end and that would lock on to a piece
of plywood (or card) 7x4" with magnetic tape on the bottom  7" side.
Probably wouldn't travel, but on a permanent table might work.

Can't wait to see what others think up.

Love your thinking
Diane Z
Lubec, Maine, USA

-----Original Message-----

The thought came to me that there never seems to be enough room for 
all those bobbins 
Try forgetting every tool and implement you have ever used, and come 
up with a completely new system for making Bobbin Lace that will make 
life a lot easier for all of us who use so many bobbins.

I wondered whether instead of a pillow we could use something like a 
large sheet of the stuff that fridge magnets are made from.

How about making bobbins from something like coat-hanger wire with a 
small knob on the top and an ever so slightly wider flat rectangle on 
the bottom. 
David in Ballarat, AUS


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