Thank you for the information Agnes. The email address is not the one I had so will give it a try. I did have her postal address and telephone number a long time ago as she was my bookmark exchange partner one year. I had not realised she was missing from the list until I wanted to get in touch with her again. Of course, she could be on one of her long holidays to far flung places! It is your summer holiday time after all.
Thanks anyway.
Janis Savage

-----Original Message----- From: Agnes Boddington
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:56 PM
To: Janis Savage
Subject: Re: [lace] Dora Northern

Hello Janis
I have sent several emails to Dora, but no reply.
A couple of weeks ago, I did get read-receipts, but no further response.
This is the email address I have for her:
Also have her address and tel nummer, if you'd like to email me
privately, I can give you these.
Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK

Being so far away from the centre of lace civilisation, I may have missed
some important news but I am sure that there is someone on this list who can
I have not seen any post from Dora Northern for a very long time and her
email address does not work any more. Can anyone tell me if she is OK or
perhaps has a new email address.

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